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- Chauvin Arnoux: more than a century of history
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Invention of the magneto ohmmeter. In 1923, the measurement was made independent of the speed of rotation of the magneto
Invention and patenting of the universal tester, the ancestor of the multimeter
Invention of the transformer clamp, the first current clamp
Invention of the first Exposemetre for photographers, which would evolve into the exposure meter
Remote temperature measurement with the Pyroptique disappearing-filament optical thermometer
The Cellaphot, an ultra-lightweight exposure meter, was built into cameras
Invention of the Monoc universal tester, with a single switch and dial. The standard for several generations of electricians
Introduction of the STATOP temperature controller, the standard for several generations of heat engineers
CONPA Series
Multimeters accepting multiple adapters for luxmetern sound-level meter and thermo-anemometers functions, etc.
Design and marketing of the TERCA ground tester
PROWATT-3 programmable power analyser. Already in a site-proof box and equipped with a wide range of accessories (clamps, leads, online printer, etc.)
The C.A 6411 & C.A 6413 earth clamps inaugurate a new concept: instantaneous testing of interconnected earth loops
Introduction of the QUALISTAR® family of three-phase electrical network analysers
Launch of the SCOPIX family of portable METRIX oscilloscopes with isolated channels
New C.A 6116 electrical installation testers
Innovation with TrueInrush to measure all Inrush currents.Marketing of the PEL 100 power loggers and the smallest field oscilloscope, the Handscope
“Electron d’Or” awarded to the PEL 100 loggers.“Electron de bronze” awarded to the Digiflex® sensors